EYiE logo
EYiE9  - Eyies on the Horizon - Portugal 2006
EYiE8  - Youth Gaining the Initiative - Ireland 2005
EYiE7  - 2nd South American Youth Exchange - Chile 2004
EYiE6  - EYiE of Horus - Malta 2003
EyiE5  - 1st South American Youth Exchange - Germany 2002
EYiE4  - Life Style Choices Workshop - Spain 2002
EYiE3  - EYiEs on South America - Chile 2002
EYiE2  - EYiEs on South America - Argentina 2001
EYiE1  - Internet Training Workshop - Greece 1999
VW1  - 1st Virtural Workshop - Italy 1998
 EU Youth
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The EYiE project provided an opportunity for young people to discuss epilepsy and its effects on their lives. This was done via an Internet chat room, through 'web' pages produced by young people from 26 different countries and during youth exchange meetings held every year.

The aim of the youth exchange was to directly enhance the quality of life, educational and employment potential and the independence of young persons with epilepsy in Europe, taking account of their expectations and of the greater contributions they could make to society, in terms of personal and social well-being (rather than the usual health care and medical treatments). During the exchange projects, young people, had the opportunity to express and share opinions, experiences and attitudes related to their condition. Many young people with epilepsy are isolated and have never had an opportunity to discuss their condition with their peers, the EYiE project provided that opportunity.

EYiE epilepsy and youth tracker

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